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English documentation

SliTaz official documentation is available on the community Wiki site. Manuals and a getting started guide is provided by each SliTaz LiveCD and available through the "Documentation" menu.

Handbook & Cookbook

SliTaz Handbook - LiveCD usage, package management, network or system administration and specific instructions. This Handbook is a community effort to provide high quality documentation for SliTaz users. It will help you get started with SliTaz GNU/Linux and show you how to configure the system to your own needs and preferences. This is the documentation that we advise you to read, learn and consult first.

SliTaz Cookbook - Information regarding the management, operation and development of the distribution. Instructions on how to use the wok and package receipts, descriptions of boot scripts and rootcd files, and various tools.


Historically, the Scratchbook was written when SliTaz was created and wasn't made to be updated. But over time, some SliTaz contributors migrated the book over to the Wiki and have made some updates: Community Scratchbook

SliTaz Original Scratchbook - Describes the stages of creating the very first SliTaz distribution commencing with instructions on compiling the Linux Kernel, installing the graphical server (Xvesa) and GTK applications, etc. It contains techniques requiring time and motivation that enable you to build a GNU/Linux system from source.


Release Notes

SliTaz Release Notes provide detailed information about the stable version and give a few useful tips to help you start using the system. On the core LiveCD, Release Notes are installed and available through the “Documentation” menu.