SliTaz новостей
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16 Feb 2014 - New SliTaz Cooking Release
The SliTaz team is proud to announce the release of a new Cooking version which paves the road to SliTaz 5.0. This new Cooking includes almost 2 years of work and has an incredible ChangeLog. All our home made tools have been improved with some great new tools such as 'frugal' or 'decode'. We focused a lot of work on Desktop integration to provide a finer user experience and have largely improved the Linux Kernel (3.2.53) configuration.
On the packages side we updated all existing packages and also added a bunch of new packages to reach more than 4200 packages in the Cooking database. Lots of work has also been done on the SliTaz installer which provides a new Ncurses/text front-end.
The LiveCD will now ask for language settings before booting so users can get directly to the Desktop after boot scripts have been executed. The size of the ISO image has grown a little due to better hardware support and new functions. You can download the ISO image from a SliTaz mirror (40 Mb): slitaz-cooking.iso [ md5 ]